I named my Saturday as my entertainment day because at 3PM I went to Q2HAN meet and greet and at 6PM, I rushed to Ong Seong Wu 1st Fan Meeting in Malaysia! Let's see how I can bring you to this journey with these remarkable and enjoyable events.
📸: Q2HAN @jdinkoreasince2012 & ONG SEONG WU @hatchery_th |
I am so freaking happy when I saw the news that Qwon & Qjin are coming to Malaysia and doing meet and greet (M&G)! I followed them for a while now and seeing them did M&G at Singapore and Indonesia makes me like 'Erghhh, it's so closed yet so far'!
So, I drove to Grid Space and found parking, arrived around 1PM and lined up. I have to admit that it's hot, but I met a couple of new friends, and we talked along the way until they open the gate, so the hotness it's kind-of-forgotten.
They are very friendly! |
Gonna keep this as the best memories this year! |
They arrived quite early because they need to do some quick Q&A or they called it Media Session - so yeah, when the gate was open at 3PM, the aircond just save my life.
Initially, I have so many questions that I want to ask when I met them, but I forgot every single thing because I was too happy and nervous at the same time. Like they are an inspiration for me to keep going and their videos just made my day. Truthfully!
I took a few pictures with them, give them some present. Honestly, I feel like I need to give something, but I don't know what to get them. Since I did my pre-wedding photo shoot at Muzium Bank Negara, I get them a sketchbook, and a card - all of the covers are design by a local artist, and I think it's going to be cool to show them the great designs. With a Rice Milk Soap from Thailand because I just came back from Kelantan and I want to share the goodness of the soap.
Overall, it was such a happy moment from me because I get to meet them after I talked about them a lot with my friends and also post about them on my social media. Hopefully one day, I will get to do an interview with them or something for my blog, just need to think some of the ideas and plan it thoroughly. #mybucketlist.
Thank you for the gifts and ice cream! |
After saying goodbye to Qwon, Qjin and Mama QQ (it was a sad moment), I rushed to Axiata Arena to attend Ong Seong Wu 1st Meeting. This is my first time going to an organised fan meeting in a stadium, I went to Seventeen before in Pavilion, but this one is different.
The event started at 6PM and ended around 8PM, and since we get to Hi-Touch with him, it's officially finished around 9-ish something. The fan meeting was okay, and it's worth it if you really like the idol because of the interaction, question and answers are kinds of intimate and long. It was exciting to see the events were being run through and for me it's a new thing because I only went to concerts before not the official fan meeting.
Thank you @nuriyarisa for the tickets! |
One with the flower boy! |
I just knew about Hi-Touch yesterday and oh boy I got to high five and saw Ong Seong Wu really up closed - like seriously - his skin is flawless and bright! At that moment I just want to his skincare routine.
To be honest, I almost missed high five him because all of the staff and securities were wearing a black shirt which same as him and I got confused. So, yeah, I kind of want to laugh because I almost missed him and showed a really shocked face. Oh yeah, and he wore a glove because in Malaysia it's known as an Islamic country, but I also want to say that Malaysia is still a melting pot of culture and races.
I think it's cool that he did that plus we cannot to document any memories of the Hi Touch or else, we cannot experience the Hi Touch. I think it's also best to not record it to avoid any misunderstanding or what I called 'Mak Cik or Pak Cik Bawang' regarding K-POP. Because you know, everyone has their own inspiration and some of the songs might keep them through a hard time, we don't know. I'm personally okay and very open with them loving the idol as long it was not too over (FYI, everyone that I saw followed the rules and very calm yesterday). Everything has to do in moderate.
Overall, it was a good experience despite very tight security and a loud voice from the management. I just hope that Winner will do the fan meeting in Malaysia soon but let's leave the shouting, away. Finger cross!
We had fun! He was such a funny and cutie during the fan meeting. Love when he did the popping dance! |
I'm so happy to share these two events with the readers because for me it's a dream come true meeting Q2HAN and more to a new experience with Ong Seong Wu Fan Meeting. Plus, I want to record or write good and bad memories on this blog because that's why this blog is called Curitan Aqalili.
Thank you so much for coming all the way here Q2HAN! Hopefully, get to meet you again soon. |
Thank you for spending your time reading my blog! It means so much to me. Before that, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my email list on top of the page, to be the first one to receive updates from me!
March 17, 2019
These Product Help To Prevent My Acne: SPRIN-KLES Refreshing pH Balancing Face Toner & Mist!
Something interesting just pops on my Insta Story, and I asked my friend who invented the product, what it is? It turns out to be a pH skincare product, and it's my first time to discover about Acidic Ionized Water. Thank you, Iqaa Lee, for the opportunity, and if you want to see the before and after picture, please continue reading this blog post!
pH is a scale of measure from 1 to 14 that tells you how acidic a product is. A neutral pH is 7. Anything lower than 7 is considered acidic while anything higher than 7 is considered alkaline or basic. Your skin is actually naturally more on the acidic side with a pH of 4.2 to 5.6, and remains at this pH to defend itself from bad bacteria, which can multiply in more alkaline conditions. - The Klog, 2017.
pH level is something that I adore learning while I was in high school, it's good to know if the product is too acidic or alkaline for you. I have used this one pH face wash brand before, and it was too drying for me which makes me a little bit sceptical about trying out more of the product based on pH level. But, let just dig in and see the differences.
- SPRIN-KLES Refreshing pH Balancing Face Mist
- pH 6.0
- Helps to balance your skin pH level
- Brightens up your skin for quick beauty tune-up
- Great touch-up for puffy eyes
- Keep your skin hydrated
- Makes your skin feel refreshing
- SPRIN-KLES Refreshing pH Balancing Toner
- pH 2.5
- Helps to balance your skin pH
- Helps to tighten up your skin
- Makes your skin feels smooth
- Helps to prevent acne
- Benefits of Acidic Ionized Water
- Control the growth of acne-causing by bacteria
- Helps to slow down the signs of ageing, wrinkles and saggy skin
Both of this product only have Acidic Ionized Water with pH level. It is a minimalist ingredient and easy for me to focus more on telling more about it. The product is produced by machine from Japan technology known as Enagic Japan (2568965), and the process of manufacturing the water is called electrolysis.
- SPRIN-KLES Refreshing pH Balancing Face Mist
- Use as a face mist throughout the day.
- SPRIN-KLES Refreshing pH Balancing Toner
- Use day & night after cleansing your skin
- Pour onto a cotton pad
- Softly pat it into your acne skin
- Or you can leave it around 5-10 minutes
- You can use it twice, three times a week OR every day on acne area only.
- How to store the products
- Acidic Ionized Water is sensitive to sun or air, she used a dark bottle to prevent the water from exposed, so the product still saves the functions.
My initial thoughts are I don't put any much high hopes about the products since my acne (due to stress or maybe menstrual) wasn't budging at all. At first, I can feel a bit of burning sensation on my skin, just during the first time of using the product.But, after a few days, I can see my acne just shrink out one by one. Honestly, I used the toner more than mist, and I put it all over my face. I know I wasn't supposed to that, but that way works for me just because there is acne all over my skin, either tiny bumps or scars or new acne just want to pop out. So, just pat it on your acne area yea!
I cannot deny that the toner works best for me, but I also follow up by moisturising it up since my skin is getting quite tight after using the toner. When there is no acne, I won't be using it since there is no enemy on my skin aka acne.
The mist is okay for me, it does freshen up my skin and it useful when I was feeling sleepy while doing some works. Honestly, I saw more changes in my skin while using the toner.
If you smell both of the products, the toner is quite dense rather than the mist one which just smells like plain water. Although both of them have different pH level, they have the same functions - to disinfect your skin and balance my skin pH level. I heard it's important to check the pH level in your skincare because if it's too acidic or too alkaline, it may be one the cause to your breakouts.
So, the final verdict - Yes, I would like to repurchase the toner again because I can see tremendous changes. Mist? Just a maybe, depends on how diligent I am to bring around in my bag.
Before photos on the upper side. |
🛒 SPRIN-KLES Refreshing pH Balancing Face Toner -
RM14 (100 ML /3.4 fl oz)
🛒 SPRIN-KLES Refreshing pH Balancing Face Mist -
RM14 (100 ML /3.4 fl oz)
*Promotion price will be changed after a particular time.
Click here to purchase the product, don't forget to say that you came from my blog 'Curitan Aqalili'!
I get both of the products from the owner of PLAINBEAUTY.MY and
I personally trying it out myself which makes the review is 100% my personal opinion. So, make sure to check the ingredients or consult before purchase to avoid any mishap. 😉
Btw, this post may contain affiliate links so make sure to check DISCLOSURE for more info.
Thank you for spending your time reading my blog! It means so much to me. Before that, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my email list on top of the page, to be the first one to receive updates from me!
What you always look out when you are in Penang? Food am I right? Well, let's get a bit far and talk about heritage. A heritage hotel to be exact.
Got the opportunity to sit at one of the room, Mews Room. |
I lost count how many times I visit Penang, it could be more than 6 times or less than that (obviously more). I love Malaysia, food is the best especially after two weeks discovering other countries. Nothing beat a place called home.
But, usually, when I visit the island, it's either a day trip from Kedah or from the other north side. We aren't bothered about accommodation because it will be around 6-hour drive to Selangor (if you are not visiting during the peak season).
So, here I am, a local girl stayed at Noordin Mews, an intimate 1920s Peranakan shophouse turned hotel for one night.
But, usually, when I visit the island, it's either a day trip from Kedah or from the other north side. We aren't bothered about accommodation because it will be around 6-hour drive to Selangor (if you are not visiting during the peak season).
So, here I am, a local girl stayed at Noordin Mews, an intimate 1920s Peranakan shophouse turned hotel for one night.
1. The Mews Room
They have THREE types of room - Noordin Suite, Sultan Suite and the Mews Room. It's different in terms of size, how many people can fit in, the structure of the room and of course, prices.
For me, the room that I get to stay in is the basic one - 350 square feet, with one king-size bed and 1 single day bed (upstairs and downstairs choices). It was a huge room that can fit three people instead of one only so you can imagine I'm 'quite' a scaredy cat sleeping in that vast room.
But, it does remind me of home because my parent's house has the same tiles as they designed, antique but sturdy wood furniture and basic necessities that every traveller need.

King Size Bed

The toilet is clean, and they provide two towels.

I think it's not your regular shampoo, conditioner and body wash.

Free facilities that they provide, the best part is they have two big water bottle that I can just refill to my own bottle.

Wood closet with a couple of hangers.
2. Keep Swimming
For me, the room that I get to stay in is the basic one - 350 square feet, with one king-size bed and 1 single day bed (upstairs and downstairs choices). It was a huge room that can fit three people instead of one only so you can imagine I'm 'quite' a scaredy cat sleeping in that vast room.
But, it does remind me of home because my parent's house has the same tiles as they designed, antique but sturdy wood furniture and basic necessities that every traveller need.
King Size Bed |
The toilet is clean, and they provide two towels. |
I think it's not your regular shampoo, conditioner and body wash. |
Free facilities that they provide, the best part is they have two big water bottle that I can just refill to my own bottle. |
Wood closet with a couple of hangers. |
Noordin Mews keep on surprising me behind the unexpected small building that I saw from the front. I cannot believe they have a swimming pool (pardon me, I don't do research before I went there).
The best part is it open until 10pm so you can cool off your body after exploring Georgetown's streets! Other recreational facilities that you need to take note are a common room, a wide selection of board games and in-room foot and body massage (upon request).
Because I went there for work, I didn't go for swimming (but I brought my swimming clothes #alwaysprepared) instead... we (media friends) make use of the common room! It was 12am, we munched on McDonald's while talking and sharing stories there. But, please keep your voice down because we were told by a guest that our voice is too loud and they wanted to rest, yikes!

The swimming pool where you can socialise with other guests!

Beautiful design restaurant
The best part is it open until 10pm so you can cool off your body after exploring Georgetown's streets! Other recreational facilities that you need to take note are a common room, a wide selection of board games and in-room foot and body massage (upon request).
Because I went there for work, I didn't go for swimming (but I brought my swimming clothes #alwaysprepared) instead... we (media friends) make use of the common room! It was 12am, we munched on McDonald's while talking and sharing stories there. But, please keep your voice down because we were told by a guest that our voice is too loud and they wanted to rest, yikes!
The swimming pool where you can socialise with other guests! |
Beautiful design restaurant |
3. Fulfilling Lunch & Breakfast
Just located beside the pool, spot an area of breakfast and lunch there. For lunch, it was more like Baba Nyonya style food, and it comes with a full course to dessert, loves every single of the food and it's delicious!
As for breakfast, they have Nasi Lemak and western style breakfast. So, of course, with all the Malay food that I ate last few weeks, I need a step away from coconut milk food. We have bacon, eggs, some salad and as a whole English breakfast style.
By the way, breakfast is complimentary, it was fresh made-to-order, and you can personalise the service catered to you!
Check out the time for breakfast, snacking and lunch! |
Kuih muih Baba Nyonya |
Excellent breakfast, fulfilling and delicious! |
Full collection on the breakfast table. |
4. Quite a Work-Friendly Hotel
What I meant by quite, is in the room they don't have like a specific table for work but the day bed works for me as I like to lie down while doing some tasks. There are also lot's of plug for me to charge my camera batteries and laptops (yes I bring two laptops just in case). They also provide printing and notebook services, I never had the opportunities to used it so let me know once you tried the facilities!
This is the day bed that I did my work. |
5. Friendly Staff and Good Services
I mean, it doesn't matter if they knew me as a media or not, service must be equally good to all the guests. So far, I did check the review first, and they received a lot of positive reviews. I, myself, experienced it.
They send our luggage to each of our room since the hotel only has stairs to go upstairs it was really convenient. But, during the checkout, I just brought in down - no big deal since I just have a backpack and tote bag. The staff is amiable, and they served everything with a smile, all I need to do is to smile back.
Get back at night after socialise and come back home to this! |
Overall, will I recommend this hotel to other people? Well, yes if you are on your honeymoon and plan to stay in the heritage hotel more than discovering outside of the Penang. The only downside for me is the portrait that they hang inside the room, it's not like I experienced any haunted agenda, it just makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I understand and appreciate the concept.
Rating for Noordin Mews
(out of 5)
Book Your Stay at Noordin Mews HERE
Love the furniture! |
You won't believe the vast space from looking at the front door, so don't judge a book by its cover! |
The whole familiarisation trip was sponsored under the company that
I worked with. Either sponsor or not, the write-up will be 100% my personal opinion.
Btw, this post contains affiliate links make sure to check DISCLOSURE for more info.
Btw, this post contains affiliate links make sure to check DISCLOSURE for more info.
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